Raven E. Freeborn (they/themme), is a savvy queer black woman who holds space as a healing justice and liberation strategist. Raven is a trained and licensed clinical social worker, full spectrum doula, harm reductionist, community educator, storyteller, and a damn good cook. They are the founder of Legacy Healing and Therapy Services, LLC and Third Way Solutions, Inc.; two unique community focused businesses offering strategy, coaching, and therapeutic partnership for individuals, groups, and organizations. Raven’s mission is to build beloved community that reckons with the truth of historical oppressions to actualize equity, justice, and liberative solutions for all people - particularly people who are Black, brown, queer, and trans identifying.
Raven teaches Abortion Policy & Background for Doulas, What to Expect During an Abortion for Doulas, Emotional Support for Abortion, Models of Abortion Doula Practice.
Aster Dyer MSN, RN, CNE (they/them) is a master’s-prepared nurse with several years of experience in reproductive healthcare, having worked as an options counselor and a nurse in abortion clinics in Texas. They currently reside in San Francisco, California, and work as an advice nurse in an OB/GYN office and works with people across a broad spectrum of reproductive experiences. Their eventual goal is to become a nurse-midwife.
Aster teaches Clinical Abortion Procedures.
daena (she/they) is an experienced herbalist and abortion doula working to shift the conversation and narrative of what we think of as abortion care through teaching innovative, holistic approaches, creating training materials and providing resources and information on their online platform @holistic.abortions.
daena teaches Herbal Abortion 101.